DocuCan Release Notes
Search results now shows both tags and documents together so there is no need to switch between them. Tags are shown in alphabetical order in a single group.
Search box moved to be above the search results panel making it easier to locate.
Tags now show the counts in a more pleasing way.
Fixed a bug when renaming a cabinet using the cabinet editor dialog.
Fixed a bug when manually importing documents and using the auto tag option.
Various other bug fixes.
Fixed a bug that caused a ClassNotFoundException error to be reported when selecting some image files.
Emergency patch to fix internet connection to www.docucan.co.uk after server moves.
Application now opens in the center of the display and sized at 75% of the display area.
All dialogs are now centered on the display and are re-sizable.
The Not Tagged menu no longer turns red when documents exist with no tags. Instead a small box with the document count is now displayed.
Improvements to the search tag list entry box.
Lot's of new colour themes with the ability to choose different themes for the menu bar and main section.
Trial version now allows editing of the cabinet but not creation of new cabinets.
0.3.2 (Beta)
Rotate image. Images can be rotated through 90 degrees from the thumbnail or image viewer.
EXIF Data. Any EXIFdata that is contained within an image file is shown on the EXIF data tab.
Thumbnail images have been further optimised. Requires the thumbnails to be re-created which will result in an initial performance hit.
Fixed image scaling
Fixed image thumbnail zooming
Fixed handling of large fonts.
Fixed bugs around the creation of Cabinets.
0.3.1 (Beta)
Introduction of cabinets. Cabinets are used to segregate documents. For example you may wish to have a cabinet for your home related documents and a separate cabinet for your tax related documents. DocuCan allows you to do this with the use of unlimited cabinets.
Added support for the .jpeg extension.
Double click on a thumbnail will now open the document in the DocuCan viewer.
Fixed FileAlreadyExistsException during document import.
Fixed bugs that occurred after refreshing All Tags view.
0.3.0 (Beta)
New integrated help
Search results now additionally shows document types (file extensions) which can also be selected as part of a search
Fixed bug where tag selection for search stopped working after switching between tags and documents using Show Documents button
Fixed document count displayed in lower right corner
0.2.7 (Beta)
Fix issue for handling missing documents
Fix bug when closing new version dialog
Early stages of help system (if you can find it!)
0.2.6 (Beta)
Fixed bug that incorrectly reported an error when clicking Save As button.
Fixed bug that incorrectly reported an error when another instance of DocuCan already running.
Fixed issue where toolbar icons not displayed when viewing PDF document within DocuCan.
Upgrade to jre 8 Update 5.
Improved application start up time.
Introduced a basic splash screen.
Refactored installation process.
Handle corrupt image files.
0.2.5 (Beta)
License activation no longer causes a problem with Malwarebytes Anti-Exploit software.
Minor bug fixes.
Performance improvements
0.2.4 (Beta)
Increased size of the dialog that requests license key
Solved a 'deadlock' situation between creating the database and activating the license
If an error occurs while accessing the database display the error and re-prompt for the database location and allowing exit from application
0.2.3 (Beta)
Added button in All Tags view to delete all tags from database.
Upgraded jre to 1.7.0 Update 60.
0.2.2 (Beta)
Fixed java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: rtf/AdvancedRTFEditorKit
0.2.1 (Beta)
Increased the length of the document title allowed from 128 characters to 1024 characters.
Fixed bug where a title longer than the allowed length causes an application error.
Fixed a NullPointerException error during document import.
0.2.1 (Beta)
Full document view text buttons replaced with icon buttons
Added Quick Zoom which zooms into thumbnails to fit window height
Shortcut keys for thumbnail zoom:
Ctrl-I to zoom in
Ctrl-O to zoom out
Ctrl-R to reset zoom
Ctrl-Z to zoom full window height
0.2.0 (Beta)
Files of type .txt and .csv can now be imported and handled.
Auto tagging on document import based on folder and file names
New 'All Tags' view shows all tags in database with document count.
Tags that have no documents assigned are highlighted in yellow in the new 'All Tags' view.
Keywords have been renamed to tags.
Document description field renamed to notes.
When a document has no tags the tag suggestion box shows the last 10 tags used.
If there are more than 20 document thumbnails to display they are distributed across multiple pages.
Search box has been moved to the top.
Document attributes can be edited from any of the thumbnail views.
Documents can now be tagged from any of the thumbnail views.
Documents can be deleted, opened or exported from any of the thumbnail views.
Improved highlight when thumbnail is selected makes it easier to see.
Rename and delete tags wherever they are displayed via right click on tag.
Bug fixes.
Performance improvements.
Trial with up to 50 documents